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Day 92 – Back in our home state

We crossed the border today! We drove through the quarantine checkpoint on the SA/Vic border with a fridge full of fruit & veggies!!!! I said to Ness that we should stop & dump them…. But for those of you who know Ness she LOVES her food & there was NO WAY she was throwing any of it in a quarantine bin!!!.... So if there is a fruit fly outbreak in the next few weeks you will know where it started!  We had a few items, James…hardly a fridge full. I haven’t shopped for well over a week as we have been on site eating mine camp food and I am using up our supplies for the home run.

Ok so another 500km plus day today….. now I have to be honest with you all here and say that this is not really travelling. We are just getting from one place to another. My view of travelling is doing it slowly enough to understand where you are, take in the history, look at the present & dream of the future for where you are at that particular time!

We (I) considered taking the turn off to Broken Hill & then on to Menindee to see my sister Gerogia. But as she has given me a hard time for the last 40 plus years…. We kept going towards Mildura! Ha!!! See ya another time Georgy & Russell!..... Happy Birthday for Monday, Russell. Hope your wife buys you a Torana!!!

Let me relay a CB radio conversation I had today with a truckie (keep in mind Ness & Annie were in the car) that was right behind us as we travelled along at 100km/h.

Me: Copy in the truck eastbound behind the caravan

Him: Yeah Bro!

Me: Mate is there anywhere up ahead that I can pull over and let you past?

Him: Yeah Bro the F@#king checkpoint is just ahead so ya can pull off up there

Me: Ok mate thanks for that

Him: no answer!

Travel another few km and reach the border quarantine checkpoint & then…..

Him: Just pull to the left & I’ll f@#kin git past ya Bro.

Me: no answer…too busy trying to pull over to let him past!.....

Him: Thanks Bro…Ya’r a F@#kin champion!!!

So who says that courtesy is dead!!!

We made it to Mildura tonight. Google maps will tell you how far that is! But it was great for Ness & I to relive some of the things that have happened to us on previous trips. Many of the towns we passed through today & yesterday we have been to before. So it gave us the chance to relive some of these memories. I’m warning you all now….If Ness or I ever end up in a nursing home, do NOT come to visit us….. There is already so much SH#T in our brains that you won’t know what is fact or what we are just waffling on about!.... Seriously, for a couple that have been together for so short a time it seems we have done so much!

Off to Bendigo tomorrow…. We could make it all the way home but that would be pushing it, we have a soft spot for Bendigo as Ness & I went there for a “Break” a month before Annie was born, so we will spend tomorrow night there & head home on Monday. I’ll blog you before then.

Love from us all.

J & N & AnnieInAVan….XXXX

Reader Comments (3)

Oh am I glad to hear that 500km a day is really not travel. I was worrying about you guys, having been convinced that you liked to travel slowly as we do, and then to read of plans for long trips. You're like horses going back to the stable... Oh and another thing, Naughty Ness. I actually feel very strongly about quarantine. Please say you will cook everything you brought across the border - even if it the scraps. Your $5 worth of stuff is nothing to discard if it risks Primary industry in Victoria. Sorry. And Keep building memories. That is a special bond between you. Who cares what you'll be like in the Nursing home? Your travels - and other friends sending us emails - make me so home sick for our caravan. we have planned the next 3 months and booked everything. Just need a printer to have hard copies. Home in 3 and 1/2 months... Marg

August 25, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterNorm & Marg C

Awesome your nearly here!!!! Look forward to catching up properly really really soon! xx T

August 25, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTereasa, Jack's Mum!

Why do I feel like (well what I would think it would feel like as I don't actually know) a junkie who has gone cold turkey....no easing into this no more daily blog thing - just NONE , cut off, no more..........zipp, nada, fenito........end of the line....etc etc etc

August 28, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMeredith

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