« Day 96 - Travelling Home... | Main | Day 94 Over the Nullarbor into SA »

Day 95 SA & Beyond!

 Almost a perfect night in Smokey Bay, after sharing my night with you in last nights blog I tried to get to sleep..... but couldn’t, maybe the Oysters had a hallucinogenic effect on me because I really started seeing things! Could not sleep & generally had a really bad night! You must have passed this on to me too...I had a dream about Matthew Newton, think that translate into a nightmare!!  What the....

 Then we got on the road and drove through country SA. Have any of you ever been through here? Man there are some great historic stone buildings in the middle of nowhere! When I see these houses I wonder what it would have been like living here 100 years ago?

 The other thing unique about SA is the houses, in most towns the houses have very ornate stone work & brickwork. Some of them are very old & the craftsmanship is just beautiful. They don’t build em like they used to!

 Vanessa did her cross stitch for most of the trip today, so much so that she got cramps in her thumb from holding the needle!  Not from holding the needle but the other hand from holding the frame.

 We listened to a couple of podcasts today, how entertainment has changed! I can remember in my dads old ford station wagon we had an 8 track player that played these huge cassettes the size of a video cassette! Now we have ipods that hold thousands of songs, talking books & podcasts!

 Today we listened to John Brewster Jones from the Angels & Jake Smith who is actually a political advisor but his hobby is collecting menu’s from famous dinners i.e. royal inauguration dinners, prime ministers dinners & birthdays etc. But he also recreates the meals..... his last one was a stuffed boar’s head!

 I lost a bet today, we were listening to the ABC & they played a Beatles song, Ness asked me if I knew who was singing it. I did not have a clue..... so she said it was Stevie Wonder, I argued that it was not & we bet a hot chocolate on it..... I lost! I know my music!!!

 We got pulled up at a police checkpoint today, they had the highway closed both directions and were doing RBT, rego & license checks. I was driving & they checked my license, but then asked if we had a fire extinguisher in the van (apparently you have to have one) so one of the cops asked if he could check it, Ness got out & took him to show him. The other one was checking my license & breath test. After my breath test he said I was right to go (Ness was still in the van with the other cop) I said “Can I take my wife with me?”..... he laughed & said he forgot all about them being in the van!

 It’s definitely silly season for travellers in caravans, it is actually a good thing we are coming home. Tonight we are in Peterborough in SA, we stayed here last December and were the only ones in the park.... tonight when we pulled up we got the 2nd last powered site! This place is full! There are also heaps of travellers on the road. Caravanners are a friendly bunch, almost all of them will wave at you as they pass.... but Ness & I try to make it more interesting by both of us waving excitedly at them, I have saluted a couple of them and my latest one is I have been giving them the Peace sign as we pass!....C’mon it is a long trip.... you have to liven it up somehow!

 Have I mentioned that we have had the heater on! I can’t believe that for 90% of our trip we have lived in air-conditioning.... in Dolly & in Bart.... and within two or three days we have had to put the heater on!..... how quickly have we changed!

 Hey Rob, you are right..... in future I will not turn down Cyndi when I am on the CB..... and not because of anything you said..... but today I was talking to a truckie & I swear I heard George Michael playing in the background!

 Hey mum.....hope you were not trying to keep it secret that you have balloons flying at Saltbush for us getting home?..... if you were you should not have put it on Facebook so everyone can see it!

 Sandy & David...... How are your rear ends? Its been a long time out of the saddle.... hope your toosh has recovered from your bike ride last weekend.

 Jody & Daz, thanks for your email..... you guys have been busy! Look forward to seeing you in the next few weeks.

 Heather & Brad, I hope my paving is going smoothly..... I can send up a spare wheelchair so you can test it out before I come visit? (They are getting paving done around their house and are making sure I can come visit!)

 Speak to you tomorrow night..... hopefully from close to home!

 James & V....Nessa

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    Wonderful Web-site, Keep up the beneficial job. Thanks for your time!

Reader Comments (2)

Homeward stretch now guys! Been great following the 2 of you on your adventures! Safe travels further. I'm also on my homeward stretch, around 4 to 5 weeks to go with Susanne not far behind me :):)

Love to you both

Jaxs and Jules


May 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJackie

The pavers go in tommorrow (I am going to be the trades assistant, to hurry them up), the path at the backdoor is finished (this was concreted just for you), I would love to have a wheelchair as I would love to see if there is anywhere that you cant get to, so far I can only see one set of steps that lead to the clothesline and i know you would never want to go there anyway - even I dont use them as that is where I found the first snake!
I cant wait till to see you both, I am wondering what to do in my break time if I no longer have the blog to read with my coffee, are you planning on returning to facebook? or are you finally going to answer your damn mobile phone instead of letting it go to messagebank LOL!
I will be thinking of you both when you get home to melbourne - I will be relaxing on my daybed in a pair of shorts and a singlet drinking a cool drink after another beautiful warm day, 27 degrees tommorrow followed by 26 degrees on Saturday and Sunday, I may even go to the coast on Sunday for a nice dip in the beach.

travel safe and stay warm

PS: Sydni is singing in front of the whole school Friday night and if I hear the song Scar by missy higgins once more I just may have to adopt her out

May 13, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterheather

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