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Day 23 Moranbah

Boring day today! Had no work so Ness & I caught up with a few things we need to get ready for our training package. Well to be honest Ness did most of the work, I just did what I was told!

 Some of you already know that over the last 12 months we have been putting together a training package for worksites. It is based on my experience & comprises a DVD & some training materials. It is almost finished, the folders were completed the other day & Ness is flying back to Melbourne in a week or so to put them all together & with Sandy & David’s help we will start selling them to sites around the country. So just a plug here, if you know anyone that works in any industry from manufacturing to mining, let them know that we have the package available.  Check it out at www.cnbsafe.com.au/safety-package/  

 It has been a fun process, we have had a film crew at the house, designed a custom folder & put together all the inclusions. An exhausting & expensive process, but it will be worth it in the long run.

 Vanessa did a laundry run today, she did not use the same machine as last time & we had no marks on our clothes. I wonder if you can build a washing machine into a caravan. Something to consider for our next van?

 Hey.... don’t tell anyone but we think we are living next door to the local drug dealer! Since we have been here we have noticed that at least 10 – 20 times a day, cars will pull up outside his caravan, one person usually stays in the car & a passenger goes in & comes out a few minutes later and gets back in the car! Then they drive off..... what do you reckon?

 Ok here is a question for you fishermen & women..... who can tell me what Basa is? It is a fish, but what type & where does it come from? We have had it for dinner twice now & we love it. But I just want to know more about it. Picture of tonight’s dinner in the photos file.

 Vanessa bought me a present, I love salad with Balsamic vinegar! She found in the local supermarket a small Balsamic vinegar but guess what? It is in a spray pack..... awesome, I can spray my salad to my hearts content.... See why I love her! Picture of the vinegar spray on the web too.

 Do you remember the other week when I mentioned we were in Roma in Qld, we had a hot chocolate there. Well we are just watching the news and Roma has been declared a disaster area! Most of the town is flooded. The other place that is in trouble is Charleville, we are meant to be there on Friday!!! Looks like we will have to find another way. Ness’s auntie’s house was meant to start construction this week.... you might have to turn it into  houseboat Jo!

 A big thanks to Sandy & David, they have been looking after our place, watering plants & keeping the cobwebs at bay, they also have been keeping an eye on the new house we are building at Kinglake (my mums old house) the building has started and it is good that the builder sees someone checking up on it. Thanks to my mate Fat Barry too, he has called past a few times to check on it..... hope you are looking after my bobcat mate!

 A big thanks to the Reserve Bank for raising interest rates..... NOT!!!!

 Goodbye – tonight’s thought ...

 “When you become senile, you won’t know it”    Bill Cosby


Reader Comments (2)

To answer your question...yes you certainly can have a washing machine in a caravan - Nathan's parents' new van has one.......they could live permanently in their van - it has everything you need in a house just a smaller version.

Re Roma - got a text from one of my old boarding school friends yesterday and her parent's were about to get on their roof as the flood waters were rising so fast and the SES guys were too busy in town to come out to them and assist at their property called "Wyoming". Read in the paper today that Feb was the driest month since 1959 in Auckland with only 5mm of rain - WOW - knew we were having a cracker of a run with the weather.....Perhaps all of the usual rain that happens here has gone your way..

March 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMeredith

Basa ia a huge vietnamese catfish mate, but it has become so popular that it;s most likely you're eating a different species of Asian catfish called tra.

Tell Ness to try this on your salad.

2 table spoons of peanut oil
1 table spoon of rice vinegar
1 table sppon of lime juice
1 tee spoon of castor sugar
1 tee spoon of puree chili
mix in a few corriander leaves and toss through your salad

simply magic

March 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrad Atkins

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