
Day 87 Sunrise Dam Gold Mine Day 2

Just a question.... Where do you think the most? Some people do it in the bath, most males have a good old think on the Can (Toilet) some use the garden, Kitchen, special place.....

I have decided I think best on my bike! While we have been away I have been riding my bike, mainly on the rollers, but sometimes on paths, tracks or even roads..... Not every day but I usually try to ride at least 2-3 times a week.... and it is really great thinking time for me!

Anyway I just thought I would share that with you.... Let me know where you think best?

This site is BIG.... there are some aerial shots of the mine & it is one big hole in the ground. But I want you to think about this –

  • This mine produces 36,000 ounces of gold per month
  • The current price of gold is approximately $1150 per ounce
  • 36,000 ounces times $1150 = $41,400,000

But wait there is more –

  • The average rate of extraction of gold from ore is 5grams per tonne (this means that for every tonne of dirt they mine they get 5 grams of gold)
  • There are 28 grams in an ounce
  • This means that to get one ounce of gold they need to mine 5.5 tonnes of dirt
  • And to reach their monthly mining target they need to mine 198,000 tonnes of dirt!

And to take it even further

  • The cost to mine one ounce of gold is between $785 & $815 (this would include machinery, wages, all costs)

Therefore the profit on each ounce is between $235 & $265. Multiply this by 36,000 and you get a monthly profit of $9,540,000

 So just under $10,000,000 a month profit!..... Hmmmm Ness can we charge more?

 Hey congratulations to Ness’s Aunty Jo & Uncle Lou, they are grandparents again, another boy.... must be something in the water up your way? Welcome Flynn Jacob, Congratulations to Emily, Chris and Sebastian. 

 My sister Heather has called me a chicken for not voicing my opinions the last couple of blogs.....  I’m not a chicken.... I’m just sensitive! Oh my husband is a SNAG.

Oh and Heather love your comment today about getting your house set up correctly...I am thinking of setting up a side business that advises hotels, spas and businesses on how to set up their venues for wheelchair access etc.  I could make your house my first project and advise James on everything and then he can tell Brad!!  That should make everyone very happy!!  Very impressed with your attention to detail, I think we should go into business together.

 Congratulations also to my brother in law Brad A, he got his first job today for his new business. Well done Brad, if any of you need any CAD drafting Atkins Steelcraft & Drafting is the company you need! (that will be 2 cartons for advertising fees Brad)

 Hey what about Rudds mining tax, do any of you agree with him? Ok here is my opinion, over the last few months we have seen the support that mining companies pump back into communities, most parks, schools, swimming pools, community halls, sporting grounds, sporting teams......actually almost everything in small mining towns is supported, paid for or sponsored by these mining companies!

 If Rudd gets his tax through this support & sponsorship will dry up! Mining companies will say “Well that is what Rudd wants to tax us for” to provide infrastructure to the rest of Australia.

 Maybe if Kev spent 5 months in a caravan and went to some of these places & saw just how much the mining companies do put back into the communities he might have a different view. And I have to say that these places are hard enough to live in.... if the mining company support disappears they will be even harder to live in.

 Besides you don’t have to worry because when I become PM one of my policies will to be to send Kev & Tony to work in an underground coal mine somewhere for 12 months! And they would have to share a Donga!

 Just got back from tonight’s talk, now don’t give me a hard time about saying this but these guys were a bunch of Boneheads! They looked like Neanderthals & for the first 20 minutes or so I really struggled to see if they were alive or not! But then towards the end of the session they loosened up & were fantastic, they asked some good questions & raised some interesting issues. So it just goes to show hey.... Don’t judge a book by it’s cover!  James you are right...even I who has a great knack for observing people and their reactions couldn’t see anything in these guys...they were dead pan for most of the session.

 If anyone is interested in having a look at the photos I take at each of the sites we work at, there is an extensive photo gallery on our work website.  Take a will see some very interesting characters.


Have a lovely night.....

 James & Ness


Day 86 Sunrise Dam Gold Mine Day 1

Hello & good evening! Hope you all had a great day, we did! Today was day 1 of our 4 days here, but you know when you go somewhere or do something and everything just seems to work?

 This site has been great, they already had a spot for the van, power arranged and were more than helpful when we were setting up.

 We love technology, today we spoke on the phone to Sandy G, Granny, Dan, Matt, Katrina & Anika, we also arranged for the car & caravan to be serviced, paid some bills & arranged more work! All from the middle of nowhere!

 Hey today was a little different, most of my talks are held in training rooms or lunch rooms or workshops, the people I speak to are predominantly male, and they don’t really want to be there! That is until I start telling my story & they usually become interested! And the first session was exactly like this. I expected the second session to be the same, but I was surprised that the group of 12 were mainly women!...... wow what a difference! Firstly they were a lot prettier than a bunch of ugly fat truck drivers!.... but their questions were much more “thoughtful” Ness was in the session with me & when we got out we were both impressed as to how different the session was.

How quickly things change, for most of this trip we have had the air conditioner on 24hrs a day. We have moved south & obviously it is a little cooler down here but we were not prepared for how cool it is! Yesterday we woke up & the van was freezing! Sure when we went to sleep it was still quite warm & we had some windows open.... but it just turned cold very quickly! We have a heater in the van but it was out of fuel! So we have some changes to make before we head back across Australia to Melbourne.

 When we were speaking to Dan yesterday he told us that he went up to Toolangi for an excursion, which means he drove right past Grannies house & the turn off to Saltbush (our place) He went to the forestry discovery centre where they learnt about forests & renewable resources. One of the things they mentioned was that trail bike riders are a problem in the forests.... Dan said he was quiet when they said this as we ride our trail bikes through these areas all the time!

 Special thanks to Sandy Gay, the books she lent me before the trip are fantastic Sandy, really enjoyed reading them both.

 Ness also just finished a book bought for her by Brad W for Christmas, it was called Caravanastan! It was about two people that travelled around Australia by caravan! Ironic huh!..... Maybe we should do another trip and write about it?

 5 days till we start the journey home!....... Woo Hooooooo!



Day 85 Leinster to Sunrise Dam Gold Mine

Ok... so I started this blog 85 days ago as a way to let family & friends know where we were & what we were doing, it was also so you could comment on our travels. I then took it further & shared some of my strange thoughts & ideas with you all...... All in all some harmless fun & frivolity.


 Some of you are taking it too far!

 Comparing me to Pauline Hanson is just downright rude!

 Not once have I referred to the indigenous people as “Abo’s” yes I admit I have called them Blackfella’s & the State I would create for them would be “Aboland” But they freely refer to themselves as Blackfellas & I can guarantee you I have had more contact with aboriginal people than any of you! (Well apart from my sister who teaches at a school where 80% of the kids are aboriginal!) And from the discussions that I have had with them most of them would prefer to live in a separate state! I also have given you my opinion on illegal immigrants, and I stand by it..... you get out here & see where they should live.... I’m guessing all of you that criticize me would be fine with it until they moved next door to you? Took your job, & did your kids out of a childcare place because they “Needed it more”.

 So read what I say and take it as my opinion only, sure it might sound like I am doing a “Pauline”.... but I am entitled to my views & opinions.

 Heather & Nikki..... you both live in million dollar houses, get out of your ivory towers & see what really goes on out here & you might do a “Pauline” too! This is where I say my name is still Vanessa Gay. :)

 Now on to other stuff, might just have to stick to the travel guide & information..... too many of you are critical of my views...... When I am PM I will also have a secret “Hit Squad” & trouble makers will “Disappear”.

 Today we drove from Leinster to Sunrise Dam Gold Mine, only a short drive of 300km. On Saturday I washed Dolly (Again) and had her looking sparkly. We could have got to this site two ways, one was all dirt road, the other was 250km on tar & then 50 on dirt..... seeing as Dolly was all clean we decided to take the tar......we made it almost to the site & then came across roadworks!....on the dirt road! So the water truck was wetting the road & the car & caravan are now filthy! So twice now I have washed the car & the next day it is filthy again! Maybe there is a message here?

 This week we are at a site I have been to before, about 6-7 years ago, I just can’t remember it! When you think about it I visit so many different sites, they all end up looking the same to me..... So I really can’t remember too much about it.

 We are winding down for the trip home, really we only have until Sunday to work and then we start the trip back across Australia. The blog will continue on the trip home, we will hopefully cross the Great Australian Bight when the whales are there..... they are usually breeding between May & August so we will hopefully see some.

 Anyway we have internet & phone but no TV reception here on site, but do have access to the VIP Guest house..... which has TV, they offered to let us stay there but we are happy in Bart (the caravan).

 See you soon...... Hey we really will see most of you soon! Cool huh?



Day 84 Leinster on Sunday

Good morning,  well some of you have supported my “James for PM” campaign, thanks for that.... any suggestions for my party name?

 Hey I mentioned that we are in Leinster this week, it is in the goldfields in WA, man there is so much history here, anyone that knows even a little bit about Australia would love it up here.

 Apparently gold was first discovered here in the 1890’s and many people came up here to find their fortunes..... Not many did though!

 When Ness & I have been driving around, especially out in the bush where the old town of Lawler once was (not there any more) we have thought about how tough it was here during the gold rush. It often reaches 50C in temperature here and most people lived in tin sheds.

 If you look at our photo page you will see where the old town used to be, all the buildings have been long since dismantled, but all the tin cans & bottles are still there, we collected some great souvenirs. There are also hundreds of old “Dunny” cans, they have just left these here and they are rusting away. We honestly could have spent days just going through some of this stuff.

 The modern town of Leinster was only built in 1976, it was built to house employees from the Leinster nickel mine which is about 10km from town. It is a typical mining town, all the houses are the same, and the shopping centre is heavily subsidised by the mining company or no one would be able to afford to live here!

 Yesterday I washed Dolly..... I bet you it will rain during the week!

 We were talking yesterday and worked out that this has been the first weekend where we do not have to work, drive to work, or even pack the van to get ready to go somewhere else! So we have taken advantage of it, Ness has cooked all weekend & taken some time out to read, I have watched both races for the V8 supercars which is something I have not been able to do for years!

 The other thing we realised is that this trip is winding down, we only have another couple of weeks work & then the drive home, we will be back by the end of May (but don’t tell Dan as I want to surprise him & pick him up from school when I get back!) so Ness & I will go back to the old way we did things for a couple of months while we plan the next trip away.

 Don’t worry though as I will continue with the blog, it is a great way to keep in touch with you all. There may be some days that you read it & think it is boring but.... what the hell! It is like a record of our life.

 Speaking of which, Ness has had the idea that she is going to turn the trip blog into a book! She has all the blogs & all of your comments for the last few months. She will spend a bit of time putting it all together, inserting the appropriate comments at the right spot, add a handful of photos & then get it printed up. So firstly if any of you don’t want your comments in our book please let Ness know...... and secondly if you want a copy of the book put your order in with Ness! Also we will only use first names in the book but as this may become a best seller if you would like your name changed I am more than happy to do so....just let me know.

 Just for those of you who left me messages yesterday..... Rob,  How are the negotiations going with the drunk driver? Surely in Vietnam it can be dealt with without involving lawyers & insurance?..... Get the guy to pay for repairs & tell him you will keep the cops out of it? Unless he is a cop.... or politician?

 Arama.... how could you accuse me of “becoming delusional!” I’ll send you a picture of the pink emus & yellow kangaroos that I can see outside the caravan.... that will prove that I am as sane as Kevin Rudd

 Granny good to see the blog is so important to you.... Keep up the good work with the garden & can you chop a couple of tonnes of firewood for us before we get back?

 Lesley.... when I become PM I will make Bear Grills compulsory learning for all school students, and in year 9 they will all have to “Go bush” for a week and harden up! The ones that pay attention will survive..... the ones that don’t..... Tough luck! Should have listened!

 And as for the boat people..... if nothing else this trip has allowed me to really get to know the country we live in. Sure we have plenty of land, but there is very little water, most boat people will want to live in cities and start their own little communities.... because few can speak English!...... I would agree that they can come here.... but they have to live in a remote area for minimum of 5 years before they can move to the city! And they have to be able to speak fluent English! And they have to get past the Navy who would be issued with “Sink on sight” orders!.... Oh and your email last night also made me think, I reckon that school kids that don’t go to uni should be made to serve for 2 years on a farm or cattle station somewhere!.... show them what hard work is all about.... Kind of like conscription!

 Mary A.... Good to see you are practising for your role....... Please ensure all necessary documentation has been satisfactorily perused & appropriately archived in preparation for your role as Minister for Culinary services, outstanding cuisine & gastronomically delivery services!

 And to Kiwi Meredith... Ness says hurry home!.... she misses you!  If you come back to Sydney you will be much closer and then we can play!

 Marc my cousin has accepted his ministry..... he says part of his job is to test drive all new model tractors brought into Australia... just to make sure they are up to the job! He also wants to interview the cheerleaders for all Ozzie sporting teams..... Sounds like you have the best job in my new government Marc!

 Sandy & David did not get a mention last night as they have special ministries & portfolios! David will be minister for housing development & corny jokes! He will have special powers to outlaw bad jokes unless he tells them! Sandy will become Minister for tailoring the first lady’s wardrobe & ensuring children are stylishly dressed..... Good luck with My Brad Sandy!

 Campbell W, I forgot to mention that I would like to offer you the portfolio of Weather Watcher & Cyclone Namer! As I am sick of the corny names that they call them! Let me know what you would call the first cyclone under your leadership!..... Maybe Cyclone Bacharach! Or cyclone Humperdinck!

 A special welcome to Evelyn Wood, my niece who has just discovered how clever her Uncle is and will read the blog regularly.  Please feel free to add comments on the website from the Broken Hill Wood family.

 Tomorrow we head south to Leonora.... but we are back here on the weekend. Stay tuned for more extremely intelligent & interesting dialogue from your future leader.

 Love from me


Day 83 Leinster for the weekend

You know the thing about this Blog is that it has become part of many of your days. The last couple of days have been busy, and I have not really had time to do a blog but we have the weekend off, so will try to bring you all that we have been doing.

 We have spent three days at a minesite called Darlot, this site is smack bang in the middle of the goldfields. Now this site has no mobile phone (& therefore no mobile internet) so that is the main reason there has been no blog. But it has also allowed Ness & I to realise how much we rely on technology!

 We parked the caravan between a laundry & some Donga’s (rooms) and went up the back for a wander only to look out across the most beautiful landscape that we have seen so far! It was just scrub & rock but it was very pretty! A pity in some ways that we were only here because a mine was ripping gold out of the countryside!

First question tonight is I want to ask the guys that read this “How long is too long?” the other day I shook hands with one of the managers at the site that I was working at and he held my hand for just a little too long! Now before any of you have a go at me for being paranoid or homophobic! I am just telling you what happened! So my question is..... “How long is too long”.... girls you may have an opinion on this too, what about if a girlfriend hugged you for just a little too long? No hug from a girlfriend is to long.....

 Now a few of you have commented on my tilt for Prime Minister/Chairman of Australia!

 Rob, I know you are stressed out because a drunk drove through your hotel doors, but I take offense at your comment that I would have to work more than two hours a day! What are my advisers for? I reckon if I put in a solid two hours telling my advisers and ministers what I want done... I could get a weeks work done in two hours! Oh and as for Gay marriage, you will be my minister for religion & human rights.....and as your PM I will support you 10000%

 Heather, your comment “Whatever!” implies that I am not serious about running the country!..... well there goes your portfolio of Minister for Hopeless cases and people who get a bum deal from life!

 Sandy W, you will become liaison Minister for Aboland, and you will then remove any possible curse of me coming back as something I don’t want to!

 Brad A you will be Deputy P.M. or C.O.A. (Chairman of Australia).... (depending on how quick we can run a referendum and give H.R.H Lizzy the flick!) because  if I am only working 2 hours a day I will need a reliable Deputy to work 22 hours a day & I know you can do it mate..... But you do know that I will pass a law outlawing Bloke World!

 Bec L, sent us an email.... so you guys don’t know what she said but I want to make her minister for keeping people satisfied!.... Keep the calls & support coming Minister Bec! (P.S. next time put a post on the blog so others can laugh at your message like we did)

Granny, (my mum) you will be minster for G&G&G.... (gardens & grandchildren & garden gnomes) because you are an expert on all of these...... so about time you got paid for all the time you have put into these three things and got nothing back from it!

Ness will be the prime ministers senior advisor and the First Lady..... because basically she tells me what to do now so when I am PM nothing will change!

 Brad W (my son) will be minister for running out of fuel & travelling on public transport without a ticket (he has experience in both)

 Dan (my son) will be minister for sport & havin fun! (sic)

 Arama & Meredith will be my overseas advisors & honorary aussies (M... I know you are an Ozzie but I have to allow you to be an advisor cause you live in N Zed!)

 Lorraine and Michael, you are now the Ministers for Animals and GAS as I know no-one who  has more experience in both than you two. (Lorraine you are the expert, Michael you just have to put up with it)

 Georgia, Shona & Lesley.... you have to tell me what portfolio you want, it is all about jobs for the family..... Georgia I reckon you can have education, schools & spelling! Or should it be Spelling.... Schools & education... in that order? Shona.... you can be minister for rental housing (or lack of) & Lesley you can be Immigration minister..... I mean you came.... you went & then you came back again! (with extras!) so you know how well the immigration system can work!

 Liz & John.... you get a portfolio because you sent us a sign telling us how it should really be in the bush! So you get the agriculture & farming responsibilities (shut the gate!)

 Anne & Gary.... you can have communications...! You don’t need a phone to God.... just call (me) James, I have all the answers.

 Flick you can have industrial relations & safety, your idea of steel cap thongs is a winner!

 Karen W is the Minister for Good Food & Recipes to keep the PM in well feed & happy.

 Sarah Fenton, you will get employment.... but I will have final say as I want the right person in the right job.... and so far most other politicians stuff it up..... so you have to run your decisions past me! But we can have some great arguments about it!

 Nikki will be catering & housekeeping manager....... The capitol of Australia will be changed to Saltbush & you will be in charge of building & maintaining the new C.O.A. & his wife’s residence!

 Katrina Gay, you will be treasurer, as you know your stuff..... Matt Gay you will be Minister for F#*K all as you are also an expert at this!

 Marc (my cousin) you can be minister for tractors & we will create a new position for Soccer in Australia..... Good luck with getting a Newcastle team in Australia!

 Mary A you are now the Minister for Fine Dining and Eating Eat.

 Ok..... if any of you want a place on my team (ministry!) please let me know.... But Pete A. I don’t know if I can create a minister for four wheel driving!..... although I would vote for that one!

 Ok this is my catch up Blog..... I look forward to your comments!...... bring it on!.... I am PM & King of Australia!!!!!!

 Maybe Ness is right? I have been away just a little too long? James are you going to tell everyone anything about what we have been up to or are you just using this blog now to further political aspirations??

 Love yous all..... as my minister for fighting Jeff Fenech would say!

 There are two new galleries of photos and I will make sure that James tells you more about Lawler the old mining town we went to this week later.

 Also I have spent a large part of my day updating the map( have all sorts of problems with this) so if any of you want to see where we are or where we have been click on map.  We are currently about 300km north of Kalgoorlie, if you find Leonora on the map zoom in and go a little further North and you will find Leinster and us waving at you!!

 James & Ness